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A woman speaking into a microphone next to a man looking down.

Photo by: Hugo Ludeña

Career Up is a series of free, informal, moderated discussions about best practices and new professional skills created by and for artists. This series came about after meeting with and listening to artists to find out what they need, outside of other available training opportunities, to expand their professional practice.



upcoming CAREER UP events


We're working on creating new Career Up events. Check back for dates and details!





If you were not able to attend our Career Up sessions, you can now watch a recording online:  


Artists Online: How an Artists’ Online Life Impacts Opportunities and Advocacy
Moderated By: C. Davida Ingram
Presenting Artists: Chloe Collyer, Emnet Getahun, Thea Quiray Tagle, and Ixtlixochitl White Hawk

A conversation about how an artists’ online life can have an impact on their creative career. How does a website, online work samples, and social media positively or negatively influence patrons, grant panelists, donors, presenters, and others who can provide opportunities to artists? What can artists do to shield or integrate their personal and political on-line life to or from their creative work? What are the risks and benefits of having a vocal life online? Learn various strategies to manage your online life and art practice.


Going Global: How Artists’ Creative Work Goes Beyond Local to International
Moderated By: Elliat Graney-Saucke
Presenting Artists: Romson Bustillo, Cyrus Khambatta, and SassyBlack

Learn from artists about how different locally-based artists have approached taking their work internationally. What strategies and opportunities are there to push one’s work into an international sphere? What does it mean to be rooted in Seattle and to be working, or sharing work, in an international context? Artists will share notes on their experiences, opportunities, and give concrete tips on next steps for getting international. 


Social Practice Art: Exploring How Artists Engage With Community
Moderated By: Michelle de la Vega
Presenting Artists: George Lee and Beverly Naidus

Artists share their methods and personal paths in Social Practice. You’ll learn about their motivations for working in this discipline and gain practical tools and knowledge for starting or developing your own practice. You’ll learn how each artist implements specific strategies in the context of their projects and the how’s and why’s of doing artwork that focuses on engaging and investing in community.



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